
Who Is Afeez Agoro Oladimeji, The Tallest Man In Nigeria?

Afeez Agoro Oladimeji (born 13 December 1975) is a Nigerian actor, reality TV Show star, and model best known as the tallest man in Nigeria.

Many may not know much about Afeez, but the fact remains that he is unofficially recognized as the tallest man in Nigeria, with his towering height of 7 feet 4 inches. He was just like every other child while growing up until he fell sick at the age of 19. Read on to know more about the Nigerian’s tallest man and how he got to this amazing height.

Biography and Profile Summary of Afeez Agoro Oladimeji

  • Full name: Afeez Agoro Oladimeji
  • Date of Birth: 13th December 1975
  • Age: 48 Years Old
  • Place of Birth: Yaba, Lagos State, Nigeria
  • Ethnicity: Yoruba
  • Nationality: Nigerian
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Education: University of Lagos (Computer Science), Lagos State Polytechnic (Town and Regional Planning)
  • Known for: Tallest man in Nigeria
  • Height: 7 feet 4.58 inches

Afeez Agoro Oladimeji Was Born Normal But Started Growing Unusually Tall After His 19th Birthday

Afeez was born Afeez Agoro Oladimeji in Sabo Yaba on 13th December 1975. He is the last of the three children of her mother, who was his father’s second wife. He had his early childhood in Sabo, where he was born but later moved to Akoka with his family, where he had his secondary education at St. Finbarr’s College, Yaba. According to Afeez, he couldn’t believe that he would end up this tall as he was not even among the tall students during his secondary school days.

At birth, Afeez weighed 8 pounds, which was normal for a baby, and continued growing up like every other normal child. This was not until after his 19th birthday when he fell sick. The sickness was not taken seriously, which made it last for a long time, and it was later realized that he was growing unusually tall. Troubled by this rapid unusual growth, Agoro’s parents took him to a US hospital to seek medical attention, and it was there that they learned that his growth was caused by a medical condition called Acromegaly.

However, the hospital said that there is no medical intervention that can put a stop to this unusual growth. So, this was how Afeez continued growing, and today, at 48 years, he stands at a towering height of 7 feet 4 inches, making him the tallest man in Nigeria and one of the tallest in Africa. Meanwhile, none of Agoro’s siblings is as tall as he is because his height came due to sickness and not his lineage. He usually expresses gratitude to his family for how they gave him special attention, especially his late father, for putting his height into consideration when building a house, making it very suitable for him to move in and out.

His Education and Career

This dilemma did not stop Agoro from furthering his education. So in 1997, he proceeded to the Lagos State University, and there he obtained his Ordinary National Diploma and Higher National Diploma in Town and Regional Planning. He went ahead to acquire a degree in Computer Science from the University of Lagos. In 2003 after graduation, Agoro went for the compulsory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme in Kolokuma Local Government Area in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

Upon completing his NYSC, he returned to Lagos to look for a job but was repeatedly turned down by many as they were intimidated by his height. However, he luckily got a two-year contract job with the Lagos State government, which helped him set up a small business. Subsequently, Agoro has been opportune to star in a few Nigerian movies, including the popular Fate of Alakada. In August 2018, he launched his reality TV show I am Agoro, the show which airs on Linda Ikeji TV (LITV), is all about his life and what it looks and feels like living as the tallest man.

Some of the Challenges Afeez Agoro Faces as The Tallest Man In Nigeria

Admittedly, living as the tallest man comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Thus, the Nigerian tallest man is not an exception to this as he has his fair share of life’s challenges.

Health Challenges: Afeez struggles with rheumatism. This makes him work out regularly to ease the weight on his leg. He moves around with only commercial motorcycles because he does not fit into any commercial car nor bus. He sometimes takes uber, which its front seat must be conveniently adjusted for him to fit in and stretch his legs.

Size Challenges: For his towering height, Agoro does not find it fun getting his size of shoes nor clothes anywhere in the market. He said that his shoes are mostly imported from the US because he wears a shoe size of 53, which is hardly found in any of the Lagos markets. He buys materials from the market for his clothes and then takes them to his special tailor, who sews perfectly according to his size. Agoro also finds it difficult to find a fitting and comfortable bed to sleep on once he is out of his house because he uses a 4 by 8 size bed, which is barely seen in a regular home.

Love Life Challenges: Here comes another big challenge of finding a life partner. The Nigerian giant said his height scares many ladies away from him, which gave him thoughts over time. Most women he had gathered the courage to talk to do not find it comfortable with him due to the intimidation of his height. But that is now a thing of the past as he already has a sweetheart who has accepted him for who he is. According to Afeez, the lady came to him, and said she wanted to be his friend, he quickly proposed to him, and both of them are planning to be engaged soon.

Afeez Agoro’s Height Has Helped Him Get a US Visa

There is a quote that says, “Sometimes blessings come in ugly wrapping paper.” This is typical in the life of Afeez Agoro as he rightly answered when asked if he ever wished he wasn’t this tall, he said:

“No, I wouldn’t say that, because this height has become a blessing to me. I have met several people who have extended their hands of love toward me on account of my unique height.”

Applying for a USA visa from Nigeria and getting it effortlessly is not a piece of cake. However, this giant recalled how he was effortlessly given a visa when he applied to go to the US just because the Consular General looked at him and was amazed at his height, and told him that there is no way he could escape so he saw no reason to be denied a visa. He spent six pleasurable and memorable months in the United States.

Again, the Lagos State‘s Tourism Board has promised to make him the Lagos Tourism Ambassador, though it is yet to be fulfilled. Furthermore, he said that people treat him like a special being, and it makes him get a lot of attention and support everywhere he goes. Even though he added that there are undoubtedly inadequacies attached to his unusual height, yet the credits outweigh them. Giant Agoro currently lives in Lagos with his mother as he pursues a career in acting and modeling.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-05-03