
Obituary: In Loving Memory Of Beloved June Lowrey

June Lowrey Obituary, Death- We regret to inform you of the demise of our loving mother, June Amy Lowrey, who passed away on the evening of October 7, 2023. She fought pancreatic cancer for a year with brave determination and is now at peace.

June’s courage and perseverance throughout the ordeal were an inspiration to anyone who witnessed them. June Amy Lowrey entered this world on February 12, 1950, and forever changed the lives of those who were lucky enough to call her friend. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty and grace who freely shared her many gifts with the world.

June’s life was a long and winding road, but she faced it with unwavering optimism, unrestrained happiness, and unending love. Her unflinching positivity inspired her loved ones to keep fighting and taught them the value of savoring each moment no matter how small.

Her dying desire of being cremated and buried next to her husband on the family farm have been honored. This peaceful place, surrounded by nature’s splendor, will be a fitting memorial to her life, and she can continue to keep an eye on the country she loved.

June requested that there be no funeral or remembrance. We should instead celebrate her life and honor the great lady she was. Now that June Amy Lowrey has over the rainbow bridge—a symbol of hope and transformation—she may begin her next fantastic adventure, free from the anguish and misery of this world.

June’s love, fortitude, and perseverance will serve as an inspiration to future generations. She will live on in our memories, giving us strength and encouragement as we travel the road of life.

Donations to a pancreatic cancer research organization are being accepted in place of flowers and gifts from friends and family in remembrance of June. We will always treasure the wonderful experiences and life lessons that June has given us. I pray that her soul rests in perfect tranquility and that her spirit eternally soars above the clouds.


Florance Siggers

Update: 2024-05-03